
Digital X-rays are the latest in dental technology, providing the patient with unprecedented levels of diagnostic care in the following ways:

Safety Since digital x-ray sensors are much more sensitive than x-ray film, we are able to minimize the radiation exposure to a small fraction of what it was with conventional film x-rays.

Diagnostic Quality - since we can magnify a specific area of an image, or change the contrast, or brightness, or apply any combination of photographic algorithms (similar to what is used in professional photography), we can see much more detail for a more accurate diagnosis.

Convenience - We can easily provide x-rays "copies" (they are actually duplicate originals), to you for your own records, or for a specialist, or whomever. They can be pur onto a compact disk, USB drive, or e-mailed. 

or... If you want them posted on your "Facebook" album, go for it!
559 Woodbury Road
 Plainview, NY 11803
(516) 822-2911